Breeding Program

1. Belgica de Weerd Treatment Schemes



A few weeks before mating one has to check the droppings of the pigeons for worms, coccidiosis and paratyphoid.

In case of worms we advise you to give BelgaWormac. In case of coccidiosis, trichomoniasis and hexamitiasis you give B.S. In case of paratyphoid and E.coli you give ParaStop. The medicines mentioned are absolutely safe, and will not cause vomiting or feather damage.



At fresh laid eggs: 6 days consecutive B.S.: : 1 sachet per 2 liters of water or 1 sachet per kilogram of grains.

One day every week BelgaBion: 1 sachet per 3 liters of water or 1 sachet for 1,5 kilogram of grains.

As soon as the squeakers are 1 week old Belgasol is given: 5 days consecutive, 1 tablespoon per litre of water. They grow better and stronger with Belgasol. Belgasol is a combination of electrolytes with vitamines, trace- elements and amino acids. Belgasol enables optimal hydration in the pigeons muscle (when using, don’t remove grit and minerals from loft).
