Diseases caused by worms, can be degraded physical faculties of our pigeons, especially in times when you need all his strength such as breeding and high competition. Continue reading
Ornispritz, an exceptional product.
Occasionally appears on the market a product that stands out above all others: this is the case Ornispritz Continue reading
The importance of vitamins in Pigeons
- What are vitamins?
- What kind of vitamins are there?
- How and when to give vitamins to our pigeons?
- What vitamins give benefits to our pigeons?
Cleaning Airways in Pigeons
In top competition, the most important thing is that our birds are kept maintained at 100%, if we have any chance of being the best.
A very important aspect is the care of the airways, the presence of mucus or small airway infections causes, almost immediately, a decline in physical performance, the oxygenation of the blood becomes defective and fatigue makes appearance before .
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Salmonellosis Vaccine in Pigeons
Salmonellosis is a disease that can cause serious problems in our loft, especially in nestlings.
The best way to prevent Salmonella infection is through vaccination of all pigeons the loft, along with hygiene.
Adenovirus type 1 in Pigeons (Young Bird Disease)
Without a doubt, this disease caused by a virus has become, in recent years, is one of the nightmares of pigeon fanciers.
It is known as Adenovirus, Adenocoli or young pigeon disease.
Adenocoli The name is very descriptive, since this disease is often accompanied by the E-Coli bacteria.
Smallpox – Diphtheria in Pigeons
Smallpox, diphtheria is a widespread disease worldwide, affecting even wild pigeons. It usually occurs more often in the fall (if presented with warm temperatures) and especially in summers that are wetter than usual.
Note that the smallpox virus is transmitted to humans or mammals. Continue reading
Worms in pigeons.
Generalized disease in pigeons around the world. Mainlyaffects to young animals.
Parasites are found in the pigeons intestine and are expelled by droppings. Eggs that hatch in the outside (humidity and heat accelerate their development) and are eaten by other pigeons in the dovecote. Pass through the trachea, esophagus, stomach to the intestine. Continue reading
Pox in pigeons.
Generalized disease in pigeons around the world. Especially in humid summers and warm autumns. The pox virus produces changes in the skin and mucosa of the birds. Continue reading
Colibacilosis in pigeons.
Pasteurellosis in pigeons.